Giving back to communities in which we operate is a priority for Ocean Choice. We make every effort possible to be a valued corporate citizen by actively supporting organizations in the communities where we operate and where our employees live.
For many years, Ocean Choice has been a strong supporter of the 3(L) Training and Employment Program in St. Lawrence – a program that creates meaningful employment opportunities for persons with intellectual disabilities.
Three-L Training and Employment is part of a network of 21 organizations across the province that falls under Supported Employment Newfoundland and Labrador. The 3(L) Training and Employment Program is a non-profit organization dedicated to removing employment barriers for individuals with challenging needs in St. Lawrence. The organization also provides a safe and nurturing employment environment for its clients.
“We are extremely grateful to Ocean Choice for their ongoing support of our program and our clients,” said Cindy Pike, Project Manager, 3(L) Training and Employment. “Ocean Choice’s support provides our clients with the opportunity to participate in the local economy, which helps them gain self-esteem, self-worth and independence as they become active, working and contributing members of society.”
Through the 3(L) Training and Employment Program, there are a total of 12 individuals employed at the Island Rock Jewelry & Crafts located at the St. Lawrence Miner’s Museum. These employees proudly hand-carve beautiful jewelry, candle holders and other specialty items from Fluorspar that is extracted locally from the only Fluorspar deposit in Canada, which just so happens to be located in the Town of St. Lawrence.
Lorna Lake has been employed by the 3(L) Training and Employment Program for twenty years and this is what she has to say about what the program means to her, “I love my job and I love working at the museum and when I get to do some work at the office. I really like when tours come and I can help people learn about St. Lawrence. When you love your work you become a good worker.”
“Supporting non-profits like 3(L) Training and Employment that go above and beyond to support those in need right here in St. Lawrence is something that is near and dear to us,” said Gary Pike, St. Lawrence Plant Manager, Ocean Choice. “The work that 3(L) is doing to provide meaningful employment for people who otherwise may not be able to find it while making good use of our natural resources from the local mine is extremely special.”
For more information about the 3(L) Training and Employment Program in St. Lawrence and the beautiful products they make and sell click here.
St. Lawrence is the home of one of Ocean Choice’s plants, where over 150 employees from St. Lawrence and surrounding communities process crab, sea cucumber and groundfish.